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Pass-through on main navigation menu to dropdown subpages

Paul du Coudray
posted this on November 6, 2011, 18:13

Is there an easy way to enable a pass-through menu item on the main navigation so that when using the drop-down menu the main nav item is not linkable (and does not count towards an actual Page for the pricing scheme) ?



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Andrew DesChenes
Webvanta Help Desk


There is a way to do this.  Here is the logic:

1) When inside the <w:menu><w:each> context test each menu item for submenu items.

2) If it has a submenu do not display the item out as a link.  If it does then make it a link.

Using our stock menu code and adjusting it slightly we end up with this:

        <div id='linkContainer'>
          <ul id="nav" class="sf-menu sf-shadow">
                        <href='<w:url />' <w:if_ancestor_or_self>class="current"</w:if_ancestor_or_self>><w:label /></a>
                        <w:label />
                                 <href='<w:url  />'><w:label /></a>
                                          <li><href='<w:url />'><w:label /></a></li>

Notice the use of <w:unless_submenu> and <w:if_submenu>.  In the case of <w:if_submenu> we only display out the menu item's <w:label/>.  In the case of <w:unless_submenu> we wrap that label in an html <a href=""> tag.

November 7, 2011, 11:28
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Paul du Coudray

Works perfectly. Thanks so much...

November 7, 2011, 11:38