Forums/New Features

Search now covers taxonomies, categories, and custom fields

Michael Slater
posted this on May 21, 2011, 22:47

If you use our full-text search on your site, you'll now find that many more things will be matched.

Originally, the full-text search (which works from an index that we automatically generate every 30 minutes) searched only standard text fields, such as the title, author, and body.

A little while ago, we extended it to include all custom fields in custom item types.

We have now extended it further to cover all taxonomies and categories. So if you have products that are assigned to a taxonomy for product type, for example, the search will find all products of a specified type if the name of the type is entered in the search field.

The remaining limitation of the build-in search is that it searches only database content, and not static pages. We have one more round of enhancements, planned for August, that will extend the full-text search to include static pages as well.