Forums/How Do I ... ?

New Content types

Tom Brooke
posted this on June 20, 2010, 10:56

I would like to set up 2 new content types - I realize I could just embed links in HTML but it would be nice to have a menu item under content- or maybe someone has another suggestion

1. Location - to have multiple locations for events linked in with google maps

2.  -  they have an embeddable video player and an XML RPC feed setup for a number of blogs - -  not sure what I want but a ontent type for Bliptv video would be nice - bot for the feed and and to post a single or multiple videos - ie to create a ctegory that would have an event, a location, videos, articles, blog posts etc


An help in this task would be appreciated





User photo
Michael Slater


I believe we got this sorted out with you, but please let us know if there's any open issues remaining.

July 29, 2010, 23:16
Tom Brooke

No problem with these and actually pretty easy. The problem comes with actually using them. The standard knowledgebase structure is easy to work with but once you get outside the standard structure it is a little more difficult to implement. But it is a powerful feature and as your staff told me - "with more power comes more responsibility"  Now have two additional content items and may add a third

July 30, 2010, 05:15