
Podcasts for Web Designers

Creating interesting podcasts for web designers is challenging. There’s been a few that I've enjoyed that have come and gone, such as Boagworld, which promises to be reborn next year with a much more focused format.

My favorite web design podcast this year has been the Big Web Show, created by Dan Benjamin and Jeffery Zeldman. It manages to be casual and entertaining without too much fluff. You won’t find any coding details or specific design tips—podcasts aren’t a great format for that—but you’ll get to know (at least a little) many of the leaders of the web design world and learn about the issues they think about.

It’s available in both audio and video formats. I find the audio delivers nearly all the value (other than the occasional look when you’re curious about what one of the speakers looks like), and since I tend to find the most time to listen to podcasts while driving or walking the dog, audio is my medium of choice for podcasts.

Recent episodes featured Jason Santa Maria, Matt Mullenweb, Andy Clarke, Gary Vaynerchuk, and Dan Cederholm. Not to mention Jeffrey Zeldman and Dan Benjamin as the moderators. Need we say more?

You can watch episodes online at the Big Web Show site, or subscribe via iTunes.

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